The Beverly Hills care teams at Tannenbaum Chiropractic work together to employ all tools available to us to help our patients feel better, including acupuncture in combination with chiropractic care. Pain alerts us to something that is going wrong in the body or something that we are doing that is dangerous, that we may otherwise be ignoring. In combating muscle, spinal, and nerve pain, chiropractic care is a wonderful way to address and relieve the pain without medication or invasive measures. Acupuncture and chiropractic care are both noninvasive, gentle in nature, and do not involve medication which helps us offer our patients alternatives to traditional medicine that we believe in.
At Tannenbaum Chiropractic, our Beverly Hills team of expert chiropractic care providers is here to help you find the ideal treatment program for your needs, so that you can be feeling your best as soon as possible.
Contact our Beverly Hills chiropractic office to schedule an appointment today!
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture utilizes tiny needles that are tapped gently into the skin along the meridians (specific places on the body linked to the pain is) and remain there for approximately 20-30 minutes. The needles send signals to the brain to send pain-relieving chemicals to where the needle is, encouraging a healthy flow of energy and communication within the body.
The practice of acupuncture works on the energy flowing through the body’s meridians, sending signals to the brain to help the body heal by releasing natural feel-good chemicals. It helps to release energy that is stagnant which in turn works to restore energetic homeostasis, reduce inflammation, and foster wellness. As a form of alternative medicine, it is an accessible option for those who are not finding relief in traditional ways or want to compliment the care they are already receiving.
Chiropractic Care and Acupuncture: A Symbiotic Relationship
The team at Tannenbaum Chiropractic recommends combining chiropractic care and acupuncture to combat tension and pain, correct alignment, and clear blockages to improve the energy flow throughout the body. Acupuncture enhances the benefits of your chiropractic care by encouraging the body to realign. It works with chiropractic treatments by relaxing your muscles and improving energy and blood flow. This allows the body to remain in alignment longer and enjoy the comfort created by your chiropractic treatments.
Acupuncture can enhance your body’s natural ability to create positive energy (feel-good chemicals), can restore the body to higher function, promote faster pain relief, and foster tension release. When combined with chiropractic therapy, you have the tools to allow your body to heal itself rather than relying on potentially toxic man-made chemicals or invasive surgeries.
Beverly Hills Chiropractic and Acupuncture at Tannenbaum Chiropractic
Finding the best fit for treatment for each patient is part of our jobs here at Tannenbaum Chiropractic. We take pride in helping our patients feel empowered in their healing choices and offering chiropractic care paired with other treatment modalities is part of that empowerment. Acupuncture complements chiropractic therapies by creating a relaxed muscle base for us to work with while helping to realign the body.
Let the team of expert chiropractic care practitioners at Tannenbaum Chiropractic restore your body and bring relief to back pain and misalignment. Contact our Beverly Hills chiropractic office today.