We Provide Fascia Therapy in Beverly Hills
Although the majority of people attribute back and neck pain to fatigued muscles or injured joints, much back and neck pain is actually caused by a variety of ailments, including tight or injured fascia. Structural integration focuses on the fascia, which are the connective tissues of the body, to alleviate paint from a patient’s body.
This type of treatment is considered crucial as fascia becomes shorter, denser, and tighter as it loses elasticity. These symptoms are caused by stress, repetitive movements, injury, and aging. As the fascia becomes tighter, it begins to pull muscles which can pull the skeleton out of its correct posture and alignment. The effects of this are:
- Pain
- Discomfort
- Fatigue
Structural integration lengthens, stretches, and softens fascia to restore a healthy, postural balance so the patient can move comfortably. For this reason, fascia therapy is often combined with chiropractic therapy.