Long-Term Healing with Chiropractic Care in Beverly Hills
The body’s most critical functions rely on the spine and musculoskeletal system, housing the bundles of nerves that connect the body to the brain. By treating spinal and joint misalignments, chiropractic adjustments can help heal many of the body’s ailments, restoring vital blood flow and decreasing inflammation throughout the body.
Although many chiropractic adjustments provide immediate but temporary pain relief, the intent is to provide long-lasting correction. Chiropractors work to pinpoint the causes of each patient’s problems and correct them at the source.
For pain relief and comprehensive chiropractic care in Beverly Hills, you can count on the team at Tannenbaum Chiropractic. Let our chiropractic professionals, along with our extensive alternative medicine practitioners, help you find true healing.
Call Tannenbaum Chiropractic today to speak with our Beverly Hills chiropractic team.
How Your Chiropractor Approaches Treatment
Your chiropractor will determine the best protocol of adjustments, exercise, and additional supportive treatment to correct your spinal issues. Several patient complaints are due to serious vertebral issues and with applied chiropractic protocol, the body can heal itself, leading to long-term, true correction.
Many treatment protocols will involve a set number of chiropractic visits and may include massage, acupuncture, and other treatments available to support chiropractic care. At Tannenbaum Chiropractic, our team is made up of chiropractors, professional massage therapists, acupuncturists, and fire cuppingpractitioners. We offer a variety of non-invasive treatment options so our patients can reap the most benefits from their time here.
The Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustments
Chiropractic adjustments are typically sought out for their immediate pain relief, but other benefits work to heal the body long term.
- Increased blood flow.Restricted or misaligned vertebrae and joints can inhibit circulation. With chiropractic adjustments, you can experience increased blood flow and range of motion, bringing vital oxygen and nutrients to the affected areas of the body.
- Reduced inflammation. Inflammation is the body’s way of preventing infection after an illness or injury. However, chronic inflammation is not a good thing and can lead to joint pain, muscle tension, bone damage, nerve pain, and general back pain. Spinal realignment through adjustments can help release blocked areas, reducing inflammation and increasing the flow so normal movement can be restored.
- Improved nerve function. Spinal misalignments cause interference in nerve communication between the body and the brain. A pinched nerve can create several issues, including nerve pain, numbness, tingling, and muscle tension. Adjustments can release the pressure on the nerve, allowing proper communication, reducing pain, and relieving tension.
Exceptional Chiropractic Care at Tannenbaum Chiropractic in Beverly Hills
When you are ready to feel better for good, visit our team of dedicated chiropractors at Tannenbaum Chiropractic. Our Beverly Hills office provides a comprehensive, multi-faceted option for non-invasive treatment. We are here to help with more than back pain and provide our patients with chiropractic care that brings lasting relief.
Schedule your chiropractic care or other treatments today with the Beverly Hills chiropractors at Tannenbaum Chiropractic.